Our Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Common Reporting Standard (CRS) service in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is part of our tax consultancy services in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and the UAE.

The UAE has signed the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters and the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement (MCAA) on Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information in line with the CRS regime agreement which outline the rules and regulations on the exchange of information between the Ministry of Finance and the competent authorities of participating jurisdictions. 

As per the Cabinet Decision, the Ministry of Finance is considered UAE’s competent authority and oversees CRS implementation in the country; and the following authorities are appointed as Regulatory Authorities for implementing the provisions of the UAE CRS regulations:

Regulatory AuthorityRegulated Entity
Central BankFinancial Institution subject to its supervision under the laws and regulations of the Central Bank
Securities and Commodities AuthorityFinancial Institution subject to its supervision under the laws and regulations of the Securities and Commodities Authority
Insurance AuthorityFinancial Institution subject to its supervision under the laws and regulations of the Insurance Authority
Relevant Financial Free Zone AuthorityFinancial Institution registered in the relevant financial free zone
Ministry of FinanceFinancial Institution not
regulated by any of the above Regulatory Authorities

The first reporting period for the CRS in the UAE took place on 30 June 2018 and is consequently marked annually on June 30th of each following year. 

The CRS approach followed in the UAE requires reporting financial institutions to:

  • Perform due diligence procedure on all accounts held by an account holder (or controlling person) who is resident for tax purposes in a jurisdiction other than the United States of America.
  • Report information on all accounts held by an account holder (or controlling person) who is resident for tax purposes in a jurisdiction other than the UAE and the United States of America.
  • The United States of America is excluded and will be reporting to the U.S. under FATCA.

The UAE places high importance on maintaining confidentiality on exchange information under the CRS reporting, following the standards of the monitoring program of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes; therefore, refraining from exchange of any information unless the competent partner in the participating jurisdiction has the proper measures to ensure information confidentiality and data security.


The Regulatory Authorities impose several sanctions for CRS non-compliance including:

Provision of false self-certificationAED 20,000 imposed on any Account Holder or Controlling Person
Provision of non-valid or not validating self-certificationAED 1,000 imposed on any financial institution that opens a new account without obtaining a valid self-certification or failing to validate a self-certification

With new, rapid, and cross-border emerging markets, governments and financial institutions worldwide have set certain measures to combat tax evasion and money laundering, ensure tax compliance with the stated rules and regulations of each jurisdiction, and sustain the integrity of the tax systems. These measures include FATCA and CRS.

Financial institutions include retail banks, insurance companies, hedge funds, wealth managers, asset management entities, and other financial services firms which serve US and foreign nationals.

FATCA is the United States of America federal legislation that was ratified in 2010 by the Congress to target non-compliance U.S. taxpayers using foreign accounts and prevent offshore tax avoidance by U.S. citizens or residents. It requires foreign financial institutions to report on U.S. tax residents, and provide standard information including name of the taxpayer, address, place and country of birth, nationality, gross annual income, occupation, and the country of residence, tax ID number and type if the taxpayer is also a resident of another country. 

CRS on the other hand was developed in response to the G20 request, it has been enacted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on July 15th, 2014. It is considered a broad reporting legislation of the FATCA as at present almost more than 100 jurisdictions have adopted the CRS (excluding the United States of America), and unlike FATCA its reporting is based on tax residency and not citizenship status. 

Financial institutions in the Middle East region (including Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, and Turkey) signed up to the CRS regime during 2018. 

Under the CRS agreed standard for Automatic Exchange Of Financial Account Information (AEOI), it is mandatory for all financial institutions in participating jurisdiction to be compliant with the CRS. Financial institutions are required to identify customers who are tax residents outside of the country or jurisdiction where they maintain their accounts, obtain their financial account information on an annual basis, exchange certain information with other institutions, and report customers’ tax status with the related tax authorities where the customer is a tax resident. 

In line with the CRS requirements, the customer will be required to provide the following information as part of the self-certification declaration form: name, address, place and date of birth, list of all countries or jurisdiction of tax residency, Tax Identification Number (TIN), as well as the place for entity registration and type of entity if applicable. As well, financial account information such as depository accounts, custodial accounts, life insurance contracts, and equity and debt interests will be shared with the tax authorities. 

Yet it is important to note that CRS information requirements do differ across participating jurisdictions. Accordingly, financial institutions in participating jurisdictions need to register as reporting entities with the central bank or relevant tax authorities, which will provide the institutions with information requirements and guidance to support their CRS reporting.  

Implications of non-compliance vary amongst jurisdictions and their set of tax violations and penalties; these may impose potential commercial, reputational, and financial risks. Financial institutions are penalised for non-compliance in terms of failure to establish a compliance framework, failure to document and apply the due diligence procedures, failure to identify and report accounts, and inaccurate reporting. 

Accordingly, financial institutions may avoid such risks by making sure they are in compliance with the CRS terms and obligations by regularly checking the documentation requirements issued by the OECD and CRS, following the CRS process of on-boarding new account customers in line with the CRS requirements, applying the CRS process on pre-existing account holders, formulating a compliance framework for the institution, and identifying and reporting on annual basis reportable accounts.

At Creation Business Consultants, our Tax Department ensures that our clients are compliant with the CRS requirements through:

  • Classification of entities that are subject to compliance requirements.
  • Analysis of the gaps within the entities processes that need to be worked on to comply with the CRS requirements.
  • Report the risks and impacts from non-compliance.
  • Provide workshops, blogs and reminder notifications to increase compliance awareness.
  • Support the clients in implementing the due diligence requirements.
  • Assist clients in completing the reporting requirements to the relevant authorities.
  • Review the entities’ policies and frameworks to ensure they are in compliance with the CRS requirements and regulations.



Through careful planning and professional advice, the minimal risks connected to Taxes in the UAE can be reduced. You can handle the Tax legislations and procedures easily with the assistance of professional consultants, ensuring adherence to legislations and reducing potential risks.

For an expert consultation, contact Creation Business Consultants via email [email protected] or call +971 4 878 6240 today.


FATCA is a U.S. federal law designed to combat tax evasion by U.S. taxpayers using foreign accounts. It requires foreign financial institutions to report information about U.S. tax residents. In the UAE, financial institutions must comply with FATCA regulations by disclosing relevant account information to the U.S. tax authorities. For assistance with FATCA compliance, contact Creation Business Consultants.

The CRS, developed by the OECD, is a global standard for automatic exchange of financial account information. It requires financial institutions to report account information of non-residents to their local tax authorities. The UAE is fully compliant with CRS, and businesses must adhere to these reporting standards. For expert CRS support, reach out to Creation Business Consultants.

FATCA is specific to U.S. taxpayers and requires reporting of U.S. citizens’ foreign accounts. CRS, on the other hand, is a global standard involving over 100 jurisdictions and is based on tax residency rather than citizenship. Understanding these differences is crucial for compliance. For detailed guidance, contact us.

In the UAE, the Ministry of Finance oversees CRS implementation. Regulatory authorities include the Central Bank, Securities and Commodities Authority, Insurance Authority, and Relevant Financial Free Zone Authorities. Each body is responsible for financial institutions under their supervision. For more information on regulatory compliance, consult Creation Business Consultants.

Financial institutions must perform due diligence on accounts held by non-residents, report account information to the UAE authorities, and ensure compliance with reporting requirements. Proper adherence to these responsibilities is essential for CRS compliance. For assistance, contact Creation Business Consultants.

The CRS reporting period in the UAE is annually on June 30th. Financial institutions must submit their reports by this date each year. Staying on top of reporting deadlines is crucial for compliance. For help with CRS reporting, reach out to Creation Business Consultants.

Penalties for CRS non-compliance include fines such as AED 20,000 for false self-certification and AED 1,000 for financial institutions failing to obtain or validate self-certifications. Avoiding these penalties requires rigorous adherence to CRS regulations. For expert compliance assistance, contact us.

The UAE adheres to high standards of confidentiality and data security as part of the CRS reporting process. The exchange of information is only done with jurisdictions that have adequate measures for protecting data. For guidance on maintaining confidentiality, consult Creation Business Consultants.

Customers must provide information such as name, address, place and date of birth, tax residency jurisdictions, and Tax Identification Number (TIN). Financial institutions then report this information to the relevant tax authorities. For assistance with customer data collection and reporting, contact us.

Financial institutions should implement robust compliance frameworks, stay updated with regulations, and conduct regular audits. Ensuring proper documentation and reporting practices is key to avoiding non-compliance risks. For expert support in developing compliance strategies, reach out to Creation Business Consultants.

This convention facilitates the exchange of tax-related information between participating jurisdictions, supporting the CRS framework. It ensures that financial institutions in the UAE comply with international reporting standards. For detailed advice on international tax agreements, contact us.

Foreign investors must be aware of both FATCA and CRS reporting requirements, which involve disclosing their financial information to relevant tax authorities. Compliance with these regulations is essential for maintaining a transparent investment environment. For personalized investment compliance guidance, consult Creation Business Consultants.

Institutions should classify entities, identify gaps in compliance, and establish a solid reporting framework. Regularly reviewing documentation and adhering to CRS requirements will ensure proper preparation for reporting periods. For expert assistance, contact us.

The UAE’s compliance with CRS contributes to the global fight against tax evasion and enhances the transparency of financial systems. This compliance fosters trust and cooperation among international financial institutions. For more insights on global tax compliance, consult Creation Business Consultants.

Non-compliance with FATCA can result in severe penalties, including significant fines and potential restrictions on business operations with U.S. entities. Ensuring adherence to FATCA regulations is crucial for avoiding these consequences. For help with FATCA compliance, contact Creation Business Consultants.

Yes, CRS compliance requirements can differ among jurisdictions. Financial institutions must be aware of the specific requirements in each participating country where they operate. For assistance with multi-jurisdictional compliance, consult with us.

Financial institutions should conduct regular reviews of their CRS compliance practices to ensure adherence to current regulations and to address any emerging issues. Regular audits help maintain compliance and avoid penalties. For support in compliance reviews, reach out to Creation Business Consultants.

Financial institutions can access resources such as regulatory updates, workshops, and expert consultations to stay informed about CRS regulations. Staying updated with these resources is key to ensuring ongoing compliance. For reliable resources and expert advice, contact us.

Expert advice ensures that businesses comply with FATCA and CRS regulations, avoiding potential penalties and maintaining operational integrity. Professional guidance helps navigate complex regulations and implement effective compliance strategies. For expert consultation, reach out to Creation Business Consultants today.

Creation Business Consultants provides comprehensive services, including compliance assessments, reporting assistance, and framework development. We help financial institutions navigate the complexities of FATCA and CRS regulations effectively. For tailored support, contact us.

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