Jazan Special Economic Zone is one of the announced Saudi Arabia Special Economic Zones for company setup. Jazan SEZ will enable Saudi Arabia’s strong mining industry to play an increasingly important role in global construction and processed metals and minerals markets. Investing here will give your company access to the region’s biggest port for the export of goods and import of manufacturing materials, as well as the Kingdom’s world-leading chemicals, metals, and agricultural industries.
Additionally, the province of Jazan has a distinctive assortment of natural resources, from pristine islands to breath-taking mountains. The area is increasingly utilising this variety of geography to support the growth of its burgeoning tourism industry.
The Jazan Special Economic Zone is strategically situated on the Red Sea and inside Jazan City for Primary and Downstream Industries (JCPDI).
Investors in the area can benefit from regional socioeconomic advancements, such as infrastructure projects funded by the Belt and Road Initiative and the NEOM in the Middle East and Africa, low current industrial intensity, and sufficient land offered to potential investors.
- Cheap and sufficient energy, including output of 2.4 GW from the Aramco power plant.
- Highly skilled workforce.
- Competitive industrial lease.
- A range of cheap and efficient water supply options.
- Food processing.
- Metal conversion.
- Logistics.

- Jazan
- 24.6 km2
- Red Sea location near key mines and industrial assets